The Geopolitics of World War III

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Ten Stages of Fascism

The Ten Stages of Fascism

By Naomi Wolf
December 12, 2015

1. Invoke a Terrifying Internal and External Enemy
Create a faceless threat that can be anywhere, anytime,
and anyone.

2. Create a Gulag
Install a prison system that exists outside of the rule of
International Law.

3. Develop a Thug Caste
Create private armies that wage war and coordinate disaster

4. Set Up an Internal Surveillance System

5. Censor, defund and harass organized groups and NGOs that
do not toe the party, or State line.

6. Engage in Arbitrary Detention and Release

7. Target Specific Individuals
Harass, shame, and criminalize them.

8. Control the Distribution of Information

9. Criminalize Pundits, Protesters, and Dissidents
Make opposition treasonous.

10. Suspend the Rule of Law

Adapted from Naomi Wolf, The End of America: Letter of Warning
to a Young Patriot

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