The Geopolitics of World War III

Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Everything Is Fucked

Why Everything Is Fucked

By Caitlin Johnstone
Information Clearing House
December 30, 2019

We all slid out of the womb an itty bitty helpless information
sponge into a world full of mentally ill giants who couldn’t
wait to fill our tiny skulls with all of their inner demons.

And now everything, understandably, is fucked.

That’s basically our whole entire situation in a nutshell.

You can add on as many extra details as you like — plutocracy,
corruption, mass media propaganda, billionaire wine cave
fundraisers, whatever — but ultimately our plight is due to the
fact that every single human showed up on this planet completely
helpless and knowing nothing, forced to trust crazy giants to give
them the grand introductory tour.

Why were those giants crazy?

Well you see, they got here the same way you did: small, slippery
and completely clueless, surrounded by enormous gibbering lunatics
who were all in a mad rush to teach them how to be insane.

And those giants came into the world under the exact same
circumstances, as did the giants who came before them,
and the giants who came before them, and so on.

It’s a grand old tradition of ours, ultimately stretching all the way
back to our own evolutionary birth in this world and the emergence
of a massive cerebral cortex in a mammal who up until that point
had been primarily concerned with sneaking in a snack and a quick
shag in between mad sprints away from sharp-fanged predators.

This newfound capacity for complex abstract thought burst
onto this frantic, confusing scene and was quickly seized and
manipulated by the cleverer primates.

And thus human madness was born.

The most powerful early humans were the cleverest humans, the
ones who understood how to use this new capacity for language
and abstract thought to their own advantage.

They realized that by simply saying something is true in a
sufficiently confident way, they could persuade the less clever
humans to treat it as true.

Those clever humans used this newfound ability to place themselves
in charge, and to make a bunch of rules to be passed down from
generation to generation proclaiming that the less powerful humans
must submit to the more powerful humans.

Over the generations these rules became more and more numerous
and complex, weaving in moralism, codes of filial piety, and insane,
power-serving religions glorifying meekness, obedience and poverty.

These power-serving rule sets were picked up and used to justify
highly traumatizing behavior in the service of the powerful, from
wars to genocides to institutionalized torture and brutal executions
of the disobedient, and just within domestic power structures the
institutionalized normalization of spousal rape and physical abuse
in households all around the world.

This eons-long tidal wave of deep trauma and power-serving rules
structures passed from generation to generation to generation
picking up more and more demented flotsam and jetsam as it went
along, to ultimately come crashing down upon your crowning head
as you emerged from your mother’s body.

That is your legacy.

That is everyone’s legacy.

Countless generations of cumulative madness, washed into the
present moment on a current of eons of exploitation and senseless
cruelty stretching all the way back to the dawn of our species on
this planet.

This heritage of madness is funneled straight into our sponge-like
brains from the moment we emerge from the womb and all the
way through an extremely traumatic and confusing ordeal known
as childhood, after which we are handed the keys to the world
and told “You’re an adult now. You’re in charge. See if you can
figure out how to run this place better than we did.”

We never stood a goddamn chance.

None of us did.

The deck was stacked against us long before we got here.

And now you get political commentators constantly railing on
about “Gosh, if only we could get people to stop listening to
their televisions and vote third party and read World Socialist
Website and turn up to demonstrations and take back the
power of the people from our oppressors, we could turn this
thing around!”

Not realizing that everyone else in their country went through
the same traumatic, confusing ordeal that they went through
at the beginning of their lives, the only difference being that
most of them got a lot less lucky in sorting out reality from

And not realizing that they themselves are still quite mad.

This is ultimately the answer to every question about why
things are fucked right now.

Why does it seem like nothing changes no matter who wins
the election?

Why do the wars keep expanding instead of ending?

Why is the news man always lying?

Why are they locking up that white-haired fellow for publishing

Why are those nuclear superpowers hurtling closer toward direct

Why are the rainforests vanishing?

Why are the whales dying?

Why are the mass shootings increasing?

Why is everyone so miserable?

Because every adult on this planet started off tiny, helpless,
mpressionable, and surrounded by gargantuan madmen,
and it made it almost impossible to be sane.

That’s why.

Notice I said “almost”. It is still possible to find one’s way into
a relationship with reality that is guided by truth and untainted
by madness, but you’ve got to start way, way, way back at the
beginning and deeply re-examine even your most fundamental
assumptions about what’s true and real.

Because it turns out that while the mad giants gave us information
that was very useful for interacting with other mad giants, it was
almost entirely useless for learning how to navigate through life in
a wise and truthful way.

And that’s what I’m pointing to here: it’s important to get clear on
just how far back the crazy goes and how fundamentally interwoven
it is with the situation in which we now find ourselves.

If you begin with the assumption that our problem is simply due
to humans not voting and mobilizing correctly in alignment with
the correct ideology, you’ll miss the real obstacle entirely.

You’ve got to zoom the camera out much, much further to see the
full picture.

Can you become a deeply sane individual, untainted by your ancient
heritage of madness?

With a lot of work and uncompromising self-honesty you can.

Can all humans become deeply sane and untainted by their ancient
heritage of madness?

It would take a miracle.

A whole lot of miracles.

Billions, to be precise.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Dear House Democrats

Dear House Democrats

By The Last Boy In Line
December 26, 2019

Dear House Democrats:


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Dear Merry Christmas

Dear Merry Christmas

By The Last Boy In Line
December 25, 2019

Dear Merry Christmas:


Monday, December 23, 2019

America On The Ropes

America On The Ropes

By Paul Craig Roberts
Information Clearing House
December 23, 2019

The impeachment proceedings orchestrated by the idiot House
Democrats with the aid of the corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA and presstitute
media have been a boon for Republican fundraising.

Jews such as Schiff and Nadler have created the impression for the
average gentile American that Jews do not accept that “Trump
Deplorables” are qualified to elect their own President, and that
Schiff and Nadler intend to overturn the election outcome as it was
the result of people who shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Jennifer Rubin adds to this impression with her article, “American
Jewish Voters Still Despise Trump,” in The Washington Post.

This impression is very unfortunate for Jews as it will create anti-
semitism even though not all Jews are supportive of Schiff and
Nadler’s conspiracy to dethrone an elected American President
on the basis of alleged hearsay.

Some Jews have expressed their wonderment to me why Schiff,
Nadler, et. al. in the House and Schumer, et. al. in the Senate are
against Trump when Trump is the greatest supporter of Israel of all
US presidents.

Trump has given Israel everything, and his reward
is an impeachment orchestrated by Jews.

They worry that a Jewish-led impeachment will undercut the Israel
Lobby with Republicans and are puzzled that Israel hasn’t told
AIPAC that the Jewish leadership of impeachment needs to be less

One Jewish acquaintance said to me that it is nonsensical for Jews
to try to destroy the US President who has been a godsend to Israel.

It is clear that the impeachment circus is a political act by the
House Democrats.

It is a political orchestration without any evidence or credible

The Democrats are after power.

They were frustrated by the Russiagate failure, and orchestrated
a hoax about Ukraine that, even if it were true, would not be an
impeachable event.

The House Democrats are able to get away with this hoax
because the American media is corrupt.

As the impeachment proceedings unfolded, the public turned
against the proceedings, recognizing them as a purely political

The Democrats hope that some of the mud will stick to Trump and
reduce his reelection chances, but it seems the impeachment is
helping Trump.

The Senate will not convict Trump of the charges, unless enough
Republican senators can be blackmailed by the FBI, CIA, and
NSA—police state institutions that have spy folders on everyone—or
unless the military/security complex can bribe enough Republicans
with large sums of money to vote against Trump.

I think this is unlikely as it would be too obvious even for insouciant
Americans not to notice.

What is disturbing about the impeachment and Russiagate is that
these orchestrated actions are an attempt to overturn a democratic

The US now engages in actions against its own population like the
actions Washington recently engaged in against Venezuela, Bolivia,
Honduras, and Ukraine.

It is disturbing also because it demonstrates that there is
no integrity in the media or the American security agencies.

Without the support of the media and security agencies, the
Democrats would not be able to orchestrate such obvious hoaxes.

Russiagate and the impeachment have radicalized the country.

The population is now split in a new way.

On the one hand we have the people who elected Trump, ordinary
traditional Americans who believe in God and Country who are now
demonized as “racists” and “white supremacists” (Jennifer Rubin
labels traditional Americans “white nationalists”).

On the other hand we have the Democrats, no longer the party
of the working people, but the party of immigrant-invaders,
homosexuals, transgendered, pagans, feminists, satanist,
and feminized males.

This fight strikes me as very unequal as the Democrats have
cut themselves off from the traditional American public.

Yet, nonetheless, it is the President of the United States
and his supporters who are on the defensive.

How did the President of the US and those Americans who elected
him get put on the defensive by homosexuals, transgendered,
feminists, crooks like Biden and Hillary Clinton, and a presstitute
media devoid of all integrity and all responsibility to truth?

If Trump loses this fight, we have lost our country.

To see our country’s plight, try to imagine a country whose print,
TV, and NPR media is devoid of integrity.

Try to imagine a country where the goal of the elected
representatives of the people is to serve their own career
and wealth.

The result is not a country in which truth and justice prevail.

If truth and justice do not prevail, then the people do not prevail.

It is as simple as that.

In the United States today the politics is the politics of the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dear President Trump

Dear President Trump

By The Last Boy In Line
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dear President Trump:


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Politics of Impeachment

The Politics of Impeachment

By Donald Monaco
Information Clearing House
December 18, 2019

The decision by Democrats sitting on the House Judiciary
Committee to approve Articles of Impeachment that will
be affirmed in a full vote of the House of Representatives
just handed Donald Trump a probable victory in the 2020
election barring a sudden economic downturn, the eruption
of an unlikely war, or yet another revolt by a discontented

The Democrats know that conviction in the Republican
controlled Senate is impossible.

Why pursue a dead end agenda?

From all appearances, the strategy seems to involve an attempt to
discredit Trump and increase the chances of defeating the orange
tinted billionaire in next year’s November election.

If that’s the calculation, the Democrats are grossly misguided
as Trump is America’s second Teflon President, the invariably
cheerful Ronald Reagan being the first.

Nothing sticks.

Reagan beat Iran Contra-gate.

Trump beat Russia-gate and will most certainly emerge unscathed
from the Ukraine-gate impeachment proceedings in the eyes of his
supporters thus lending credence to the fact that he is fighting the

As for the popularity of Reagan and Trump, both opportunistic
politicians had a simple persistently optimistic ‘Make America
Great Again’ feel good message that played well amongst the
disenchanted masses.

Reagan won office amidst the economic stagflation and malaise
of the Carter years.

Trump won the White House after the prolonged recession of the
Bush and Obama eras.

The extended economic slump that propelled Trump to victory
occurred as a direct result of the financialization of America and
the subprime meltdown.

It should be well understood that Wall Street’s speculative frenzy
was financed by the deindustrialization of the United States,
a global flight of capital that cast millions of American workers
on the scrap heap of various rustbelt cities.

Both Reagan and Trump used rightwing populist rhetoric to
win their respective elections only to serve the interests of
the corporate plutocracy as exemplified by the enormous tax
cuts both gave to the upper class and the corporations they

So why don’t the Democrats fight Trump politically and contest
his far right policies of upward wealth transfer; deregulation
and privatization of the economy; slashing of food stamp benefits;
environmental destruction; unending war; unqualified support for
apartheid Israel, the Saudi monarchy and the Egyptian dictatorship;
and the imposition of deadly economic sanctions on Iran, North
Korea, and Venezuela?

Because they agree with the substance of these policy orientations
that’s why.

The Democrats pose no serious alternative to the Republicans
on matters of economic and geopolitical significance, the anti-
corporatist noises being made by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth
Warren notwithstanding.

Stripped of all pretenses, both parties advance an imperialist
agenda that protects the process of global capital accumulation
in America’s corporate neo-liberal empire.

Not a dime’s worth of difference on that score between the
two rival gangs that former independent Minnesota Governor
Jesse Ventura once insightfully referred to as, "Democrips"
and "Rebloodlicans."

The difference between the two parties in foreign policy is
fundamentally tactical and stylistic, not strategic or substantive.

In the realm of international relations both parties genuflect
before the alter of international law and national sovereignty
in word while violating their essence in deed by supporting the
peculiar notion of ‘American exceptionalism’.

Diplomatically, both political regimes employ a negotiating strategy
that conceals the clenched fist of mafia-like demands within a
velvet glove of duplicitous dialogue.

They make offers that cannot be refused.

The price of refusal is regime change.

For example, sequential coup d’etats were engineered by the CIA in
Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1965, Chile 1973, Haiti 1991,
Honduras 2009 and Bolivia 2019.

Militarily, the Republicans favor unilateralism, the Democrats
prefer multilateralism; the Republicans utilize pre-emptive
invasions, the Democrats employ humanitarian and responsibility
to protect (R2P) interventionist rationalizations.

Both parties backed the overarching strategic paradigms for global
hegemony after World War II, namely the ‘War on Communism’
and the more recent ‘War on Terrorism’.

Serial U.S. military interventions occurred in Korea 1950, Vietnam
1965, Dominican Republic 1965, Lebanon 1982, Panama 1983,
Iraq 1991, Somalia 1993, Yugoslavia 1994, Afghanistan 2001 and
Iraq 2003.

These interventions were led by Democratic and Republican
presidents alike.

The foregoing lists documenting covert and overt interventions
are partial, the criminal pattern is evident.

Domestically, the Republicans pose as the party of individualism
and self-reliance.

They serve the American plutocracy by hiding behind the pretense
of support for personal freedom and individual rights against a
corrupt government and media.

The Republicans appeal to religious fundamentalists who oppose
abortion, separation of church and state, and LGBT rights;
second amendment literalists who oppose gun-regulation;
free market fundamentalists who hate taxation of the rich,
corporate regulation, trade unions, immigration; big government
(meaning welfare for the poor); and unrestrained militarists.

They are openly the party of wealth, war and bigotry.

To court favor with their domestic voting base, Democrats have
adopted the veil of identity politics to disguise their support for
the American plutocracy.

They support greater social rights for women, the LGBT community,
immigrants, racial minorities and some modicum of a diminished
welfare state for the poor.

But the Democrats are caught in a web of contradictions because
of their support for the plutocratic minority and its predacious wars.

They claim to support American workers but signed the NAFTA
trade deal that destroyed millions of jobs in the heartland.

They pretend to support main street but deregulated the financial
industry by removing Glass Steagall and continuing the Bush bailout
of Wall street.

They opposed Trump’s ban on Muslim immigrants but supported
the invasion and bombing of the very countries that Muslim’s fled.

They support refugee status for Central American immigrants but
engineered a coup d’etat of the Honduran socialist President Zelaya
in 2009 causing a flood of migrants from a newly installed neo-
liberal regime that deeply impoverished country.

They support LGBT rights but are closely allied to Saudi Arabia,
a country that executes its gay subjects giving a new and hideous
meaning to the heterosexual dictatorship once so aptly described
by Christopher Isherwood.

No small wonder the majority of Americans view Washington as a
fetid swamp inhabited by creatures that need to be flushed down
the drain of history.

Electoral politics will never accomplish this ameliorative task
because of the deep divisions that animate a political terrain
in freedom’s land that has been systematically fractured over
the past several decades by both political parties on behalf of
the wealthy few at the expense of an increasingly despairing

A revolutionary politics is needed to initiate the monumental
project of progressive social transformation.

But that brand of radical political ideology is sadly missing amongst
the ranks of Trump lovers and Trump haters in the age of
personality politics.

In the end, it may be useful to recall that ‘America has only one
political party, the party of private property consisting of two right
wings’, as the iconoclastic writer Gore Vidal never tired of

Only when the property party and its benefactors are directly
confronted can genuine social change occur.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus

By The Last Boy In Line
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dear Jesus:


Thursday, December 12, 2019

What Is The Democratic Party Today?

What Is The Democratic Party Today?

By James Howard Kunstler
Information Clearing House
December 12, 2019

The last time the Democratic Party blew up in a presidential
election year was 1860.

It had evolved from Jefferson’s 1800 bloc of yeoman farmers to
Andrew Jackson’s rowdy caucus of frontier populists in the 1830s,
and settled into a slough of pro-slavery apologists by the 1850s,
including two do-nothing Democratic presidents, Pierce and

The party held a nominating convention in the spring of 1860
and couldn’t come up with a candidate when a claque of southern
“fire-eaters” walked out.

They tried again a few months later and cracked up into three
separate parties with three nominees — and of course Mr. Lincoln
won the election.

The result was the bloodiest war in US history.

That’s one way to drain a swamp.

Historical obfuscators might say the Civil War was a lofty, legalistic
quarrel over “state’s rights,” but of course it was really about the
intolerable depravity of slavery.

A hundred years later, the mysterious inversions of history
converted the old slaver’s party into the Civil Rights party.

That had a good fifty-year run.

It included a hearty side-dish of anti-war sentiment, and a general
disposition against the Big Brother treatment of citizens, including
especially the overreach of the CIA and the FBI.

What is the Democratic Party today?

Well, it’s the cheerleading squad for “seventeen” government
agencies that add up to the craftily-labeled “intel community,”
a warm-and-fuzzy coalition of snoops, false witnesses, rogue
lawfare cadres, seditionists, and bad-faith artists working
sedulously to hide their previous misdeeds with ever-fresh ones.

They’re the party against free speech, the party against
due process of law, the party determined to provoke war
with Russia.

They’re the party of sexual confusion, sexual hysteria, and sexual
conflict, the party of kangaroo courts, cancel culture, erasing
boundaries (including national borders), and of making up rules for
all that as they go along — like the Nazis and Soviets used to do.

The ideas and policies they advocate are so comprehensively crazy
that their old support of slavery looks quaintly straightforward in

It’s taken a while for the full efflorescence of these political
pathologies to present.

But now they are finally on display for all to see in what
is supposed to be a climactic impeachment melodrama.

The impeachment process itself has revealed the party’s genius
for inventing new debaucheries of law and government misconduct
the latest being Rep Adam Schiff’s blatantly illegal cadging of his
opponents’ phone logs.

And now, after three years of unchallenged wickedness,
they literally face the moment of truth.

That is when all the many players in this grand game of
"Gotcha" have to face the consequences of what they
have done.

The Horowitz report is necessarily limited to the DOJ Inspector
General’s narrow mission scope: the IG can only interview current
employees of the agency and its stepchild, the FBI, which means
that key players in the Gotcha game such as former FBI director
Comey, former acting director McCabe, fired special agent Peter
Strzok and notably ex-CIA director John Brennan were outside of
Mr. Horowitz’s sphere of operations.

His scope was also supposedly limited to the issues around FISA
warrant mischief — though those complex shenanigans may have
led the IG to other related dodges, cons, and crimes outright.

The IG has no real law enforcement powers.

He can only refer or recommend further action.

Nevertheless, a great miasma of anxiety oppresses the Democratic
Party now as it awaits whatever Mr. Horowitz has to say about
these matters.

The party’s propaganda arms at The New York Times, the WashPo,
and cable news networks worked up a frenzy of distractions
and ruses this past week — for instance the “bombshell” that
International-Man-of-Mystery Joseph Mifsud was not a hireling
of the FBI.

Of course, nobody ever claimed he was.

Rather he is suspected of being an agent of the Italian Intel
Service with links to British Intel, both used by the CIA as
"Beards" for its nefarious activities around its own election
meddling of 2016.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic caucus has been busy
with ersatz impeachment proceedings, which are invidiously
scheduled to continue next week as a smokescreen to conceal
the Horowitz findings.

It’s been a frantic campaign for them at a fraught moment in
this long saga — but the odor of desperation is thick and rank.

Of course, behind the Horowitz report loom the specters of
Barr & Durham.

Whatever they’ve been up to has been hermetically sealed
in a globe of silence even more oppressive and nightmarish
for the Dems than the IG’s inquiry.

Barr & Durham are able to make things stick, most crucially genuine
criminal culpability for the entire RussiaGate fiasco and all of its
offshoots, including the most recent “Whistleblower” caper — a
patently treasonous scheme.

Who knows if and when indictments start raining down, but there’s
a chance that it will be a very hard rain indeed.

I’m not so sure that the Democratic Party can survive the washing
away of its beloved narrative by that hard rain.

They are also faced with a field of manifestly lame presidential
candidates, especially the current leader of the pack, Joe Biden,
fumbling and doddering his way down the campaign trail in an
apparent effort to dodge being investigated for the grifts of his
Veep years.

All this may be enough to put the party down, like a dog that has
peed on the carpet one time too many.

Somebody else, from some other hastily assembled party, may have
to stand against Mr. Trump in 2020.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Dear Quid Pro Joe

Dear Quid Pro Joe

By The Last Boy In Line
Monday, December 9, 2019

Dear Quid Pro Joe:


Thursday, December 5, 2019



By David Mowers
December 5, 2019

I torment the salt of the earth,

~"Who am I?"~

Eat up the children from unholy birth,

~"Who am I?"~

The ravens caw and come to pick,

~"Who am I?"~

Off woeful ones that I've made sick,

~"Who am I?"~

See travelers on the road of pain,

~"Who am I?"~

Rider on the clouds drive you insane,

~"Who am I?"~

I'm coming for you, I'm coming quick,

~"Who am I?"~

My art deception, my craft, -the trick...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dear Democrats

Dear Democrats

By The Last Boy In Line
December 4, 2019

Dear Democrats:
