The Geopolitics of World War III

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Americans Are Mostly Mercenaries And Treasoners

Americans Are Mostly Mercenaries And Treasoners

By Race Rules
August 07, 2014

What is a mercenary?

Someone who takes money usually to perform some immoral task
who distances themselves from any emotional involvement.

What is the American federal tax system?

It is a way for the government to steal income from workers and
then use that money to perform immoral and illegal acts of violence
against other countries and their inhabitants.

We dare call it the Department of Defense when it is really
a Department of Offense.

What is treason?

The offense of acting to overthrow one’s own government according
to Webster and similarly for the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence, however, states the following:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

So which is it?

The answer is the second one…..the Right to Revolution.

Treason is defined absent any moral compass.

It basically says that if the US is evil and you try do good by
stopping your government from doing evil that you have committed

It basically assumes that anyone against the US is evil, when in fact
we know the truth to be the complete opposite.

The only way America could be considered good is if we completely
reverse the definition of good and evil.

The Jewish media is good at doing that.

So Americans are basically mercenaries from a job and tax sense.

Most of us are hired by corporations to earn barely enough to live
on and provide our services while the Federal government parasites
off of us with illegal taxes to conquer the world at the behest of
Israel and the global elite.

Isn’t that why Americans fought the British in the first place?

We are right back in the same mess because we never really
won the first time.

Jewish financiers won because they financed both sides of all
major conflicts and then force the winner to pay the debts of
the vanquished.

Get it?

They don’t teach it in public school……..the truth that is.

The military and police willingly take their jobs to murder, torture
and enslave the people for a small paycheck or a sign-up bonus so
their treason is that much more egregious because they lie to
themselves that they are doing good.

So are Americans treasoners?

I would argue yes.

It is not only the right of the people to abolish abusive government
but a duty.

Americans believe voting effectively addresses the ills of society
with a two-party system.

That is insane.

That has never worked in the history of mankind because it
cannot work.

Voting legitimizes the corrupt system that Americans refuse
to believe is un-salvageable.

That means voters are complicit in keeping two corporate political
parties in power so they can keep taking bribes and kickbacks as
career politicians to promote the agenda of the global elite.

Voters are complicit in these crimes against humanity and hence
also guilty of treason.

The only ones who do not fall into this category are tax resistors
and those who never vote.

Americans fear the IRS will audit them and throw in jail.

The federal government is soon going to do much worse than
that to you.

We fear being fined or going to prison like Wesley Snipes or Lauryn
Hill, who were merely scapegoats used to continue the ruse that
taxing wage labor is legal.

In other words we are cowards who claim to be patriots when in
fact we cringe like scared kittens when we need to stand up to
unjust authority.

Voting makes us believe we are doing the right thing and then
we lambast the nonvoters and tell them they have no voice.

The only ones with no voice are the voiceless voters who falsely
believe that two corporate parties operate independently of each
other when in reality they both serve the corporate elite.

There you have it.

Most Americans are treasonous mercenaries who don’t even
realize it.

You’ve been bought with phony, funny money and your soul
sold to Satan compliments of Israel.

Good luck in the afterlife when you have to explain this to God
and karmically atone in hell or future lives of misery for the
collective injustice America has wreaked on the world.

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