The Geopolitics of World War III

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Made For TV

Made For TV

By David Glenn Cox
Leftist Review
September 24, 2013

What began as an event has become an era.

What began as a concussion has become a cancer, a societal mental
illness, collective amnesia, seeing but not seeing, knowing, while
knowing nothing, all the symptoms of the illness are present, still,
we claim to be all right, pretending it’s not so, when it is so.

We’re expected to believe the made for TV reasons with corporate
rerun understanding.

Behold the media colossus, standing straddled over the left and
right of self-generating public opinion. The truth is… whatever
they say it is, because Winston, two and two make five, do you

From Business Insider Feb 11, 2011 – “Looks Like Ross Perot Was
Right About the ‘Giant Sucking Sound’”:

Perot is famous (among other things) for his statement during
the 1992 presidential campaign that if NAFTA (North American
Free Trade Agreement) was not a two way street it would create
a “giant sucking sound” of jobs going south to the cheap labor
markets of Mexico.

Both of Perot’s opponents (George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton)
argued that NAFTA would create jobs in the U.S. because of
business expansion.

Both Republicans and Democrats wildly supported these swindles
and the swindles which have followed.

These alleged Free Trade articles codify into law, favorable
business arrangements, claiming the right to these conditions…

It reminds me of a story about a small town out west and someone
was rustling a rancher’s cattle.

The ranchers banded together and hired themselves a sheriff to
find these rustlers.

Yet despite the sheriff’s efforts, he always seemed to be at the
wrong place at the wrong time and the rustler’s always managed
to get away.

The ranchers held a secret meeting and came to a decision.

It seemed the ranchers thought the rustlers were always a bit
too lucky and the sheriff, always a bit too unlucky.

So to prove their point, the ranchers hung the sheriff and the
rustling stopped.

The Business Insider’s admission of “Gee, 30 million jobs lost and
I guess, you guys were right, and the rustlers got clean away!”

We’ve witnessed a decade of financial mismanagement and fraud,
along with a decade of military adventurism.

As the corporate media explain, “Gosh, we really thought there
were WMDs; boy, is their egg on our face. Gosh, who would have
thought Wall Street executives were crooked? Gosh, who could
have known, mortgage lenders would game the system?”

January 1, 1994 – NAFTA takes effect

January 1, 1995 – World Trade Organization opens for business

1997 – The Tax Payer Relief Act, allowed homeowners up to
$500,000 in tax-free Capital Gains every two years from the
sale of a home.

1999 – The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowed Commercial and
Investment Banks to merge

2000 – Contested Presidential Election

2001 – Bush passes out tax rebate checks

2002 – Federal Reserve lowers interest rates to a historical
low of 1%

2005 – Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Prevention
Act changes the laws in regards to real property in bankruptcy.

“If a filer acquired their home less than 1,215 days (40 months)
before filing, or if they have been convicted of security law
violations or been found guilty of certain crimes, they may only
exempt up to $125,000 (adjusted periodically), regardless of a
state’s exemption allowance.”

October 6, 2008 – Stock markets crash 1,280 days later.

A generation pushed through the cattle chutes, skinned and
made into hamburger.

By May of 2009, 40% of borrowers who took out a mortgage in
2006 were underwater.

One year later, banks had seized over 1 million properties and
were reimbursed for their losses by the tax payers.

Kind of like hiring a hit man to have yourself killed, the banks sold
these properties at the height of the bubble and were reimbursed
for their losses in full and then bought the properties back, for
pennies on the dollar.

Now, here’s where it gets sweet.

The banks got to pick and choose which properties they wished
to repurchase.

Lilly white subdivisions near the Interstate, sure pick’em up for
.22 cents on the dollar.

Inner city Cleveland or Youngstown, or inner city anywhere, let
the tax payers worry about it.

The contested presidential election is all part and parcel of this
economic coup d’état.

The fix was in, Florida was flipped and the media was used to
cover their tracks.

The Supreme Court intervened in the case, a case where it held
no jurisdiction.

Two justices with immediate family members employed by one
of the candidates voted anyway, as if there’s nothing wrong or
inappropriate about that.

Bush begins with tax cuts, but to make the bad medicine go down,
comes up with the free money, courtesy of Santa George, rebating
taxes, everybody gets a check!

The working couple’s rebate check is just enough to cover that
nothing-down, adjustable rate mortgage, being advertised
relentlessly on TV, ’round the clock.

Then September 11th and the new Reichstag Fire.

Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled “Creating
Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, includes the sentence:

“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings
revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor”

This is what the Project for the New American Century was
all about.

These are their “Core Missions” from their 1997 Statement
of Principles;

Defend the American homeland;

Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater

Perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping
the security environment in critical regions;

Transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military

Unspoken, but just as much a core mission:

Undercut American workers wages;

Export the industrial base, while fostering a housing bubble;

Use the collapse as a profit center to expropriate wealth and
as a chance to redefine the American economy;

Use the economic hard times created by design to break municipal
unions, to de-fund public education, to pare social programs;

It really all comes into perspective when we see John McCain
playing video poker on his iPhone during the Senate hearings
on Syria.

You see, if you play ball with the rustlers, life is good.

Bill Clinton played ball; when he left the White House he was a
million dollars in debt. Today, Clinton is worth over $125 million.

Al Gore played ball, he knew when to shut up and knuckle under
and he’s worth over $200 million.

John Kerry conceded his Presidential campaign before the votes
were even counted and Kerry is probably the most unlikely of the
bunch, with a net worth $194 million.

As an American, it is embarrassing to watch the Secretary of State
and the President flopping around like dying fishes upon the world
stage, trying to sell us this tired old clunker, about WMDs and
terrorists, one more time.

Like a painted-up whore trying to look pretty, the presentation is
far too gritty to be believable.

David Glenn Cox is a senior staff writer for TLR and an award
winning author and musician; he is the author of the novel,
“The Servants of Pilate.”

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