The Geopolitics of World War III

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Call To Action

We Indict the US Government for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

By The World Can't Wait
Information Clearing House
Thursday, July 11, 2013

The U.S. government is prosecuting Bradley Manning and Edward
Snowden who exposed war crimes and crimes against humanity
by the U.S.

Now is the time to issue a powerful people's indictment of the
crimes of the US government and counter the war on truth tellers.

We urge people to go out publicly in every way they can think of.

Read these indictments aloud on street corners, post them up online
and on paper, tweet them, and participate in creative protests to
bring the indispensable peoples' voice and actions into this politically
intolerable scene.

The Indictments

We indict the U.S. government: For using mass surveillance on
whole populations, with the intent to chill protest and dissent.

We indict the U.S. government: For indefinite detention and
torture of prisoners at Guantanamo and other sites including
torturing hunger strikers with force-feeding.

We indict the U.S. government: For wars of aggression, unjust
occupations, and the use of drones, killing hundreds of thousands
of civilians around the world

We indict the U.S. government: For the mass incarceration of
over 2.4 million people in the United States, mainly Black and
Latino, a program with a genocidal impact against these groups,
including torture, solitary confinement, and unjust executions.

We indict the U.S. government: For being a large contributor
to climate change, sabotoging international efforts to curb
greenhouse emissions and taking no real meaningful action
to reverse the trajectory.

We indict the US government: for torturing, intimidating
and prosecuting whistleblowers while covering up and not
prosecuting those responsible for the war crimes and crimes
against humanity.

We pledge mass public opposition to the crimes of our government,
taking inspiration and finding common cause with those who around
the world are rising up against oppression.

"The future is unwritten, which one we get is up to us."

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