The Geopolitics of World War III

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

American Murder

American Murder

By Paul Edwards
Information Clearing House
January 15, 2020

Clausewitz said, “War is the continuation of politics by other
means”, but American Presidents have modified his apothegm.

No one knows when it was first judged--How to put it? Not legal,
no; not moral, no, surely not. Conceiveable..? Permissible..?
--politically safe, for a nation to assassinate a human being,
a foreign enemy.

There is no record of that meeting of our government’s most
powerful men--only such a group could plan so radical an action
when one of them first dared to say, “Suppose we kill him?”

Those souls shocked and wounded by our latest murder, need
to know that meeting was not recent: didn’t happen under
the Suppurating Pustule that infects the White House today,
nor the charming Grand Bullshitter who preceded him, nor
the aphasic buffoon before him.

It was a century ago. There’s no dating it to a particular hit but
it was certainly held before our deviously arranged murder of
Sandino in Nicaragua in 1934.

For the last century the US government has made it its regular
business to execute, or to buy the execution of, men it deemed
geopolitically damned.

There isn’t space here to review the long roster of America’s
secret victims, nor any need for that.

The uninformed need to take their own education in hand or
continue mooing meekly down the chute toward who knows
what end?

Perhaps even their own date with the stungun.

Skipping past our more notorious standard issue deep cover CIA
murders--Lumumba, Che, Allende, Diem--and excepting killings
during phony “police actions” and “incursions”, gets us to the phase
of dedicated, clandestine extermination outfits, to the era of
“terminating with extreme prejudice” by quasi-military units like
the Phoenix Program that murdered thousands of Viet Cong and

It was a short step then to creation of specialized military hit

Navy SEALS with their Osama murder are typical.

In this era of magical tech innovations--GPS wizardry, HUMINT,
SIGINT, IMINT and MASINT--America vaunts the uncanny accuracy
of drones that slaughter wedding parties instead of jihadi honchos,
and Hellfire missiles that maim and eviscerate more peasant
children than diabolized hajjis.

Targeted assassination has, in its current iteration, thrown over the
traces and expanded its lethal reach so that nailing its purported
target is now irrelevant.

Busloads of Yemeni kids will do.

It’s now a case, as a Marine buddy told me in Khe Sanh, of “Kill ‘em
all; let God sort ‘em out.”

It needs to be clear that none of this cowardly murder was done in
the heat of authorized battle.

None of it has come during legally declared war.

These assassinations are just that: murders without
acknowledgment, much less official justification that,
when exposed, are flatly denied by implausible baldfaced
bullshit from our robotic, faux-Christian Mandarins.

Our government always keeps, among its court jongleurs, trained
slugs whose unique sociopathic gift consists in being able to look a
clueless public in the face and solemnly assure them that dog shit
is ice cream.

What is notable about this sordid history is not that it happened,
since this country has foisted the dirtiest, most flagrant deceptions
on the world and its own people as a matter of course for
generations, but this: that from the beginning of our state murder
program enormous effort has gone into keeping the fact of it hidden
or, at least, deniable.

It remained to Jabba, the President, not only to end that charade,
to blow that cover in the Soleimani murder, but also, with idiot
vanity, to celebrate himself as its author.

Quite apart from being astoundingly, stupidly reckless, since The
Empire’s functionaries, military and other, become immediate
potential targets, it is an offence against the laws of nations and
of war.

America, the full rogue state, cares nothing for such laws,
of course, but some quaint nations still do and it puts it in
seriously bad odor with the few suckup lackeys it still may
have despite Trump’s relentless campaign to demean and
alienate them.

Candidates for another “coalition of the willing” to mask America’s
brute adventurism are going to be scarce as bird shit in a cuckoo

So much for side effects.

This murder of Soleimani was, to cop a line from Hamlet, a “Murder
most foul, as in the best it is, but this most foul, strange, and
unnatural”, because of his history as a once critical American ally.

He, with forces loyal to him, was key in defeating ISIS after our
multi-billion dollar, half-assed, spit-and-baling wire Iraqi Army’s
meltdown and flight.

America murdered no Takfiri barbarian, no crazed, fanatic Jihadi
in him, but a temperate, judicious statesman, and a hero to most
Iranian people.

If the intent was crude, direct provocation of war with Iran,
that intent may now be realized.

With millions of Persians in the streets mourning him and Khamenei
vowing stern vengeance, symbolic rockets are no expression of that

If retaliation does come, as it may, the world will know it.

At that point, Trump has to fish or cut bait.

If his authority is heeded then-- which is not certain--by a military
that much prefers no-risk bullying of weak entities that generate
big money for little blood, and a Congress at once warmongering
and cowardly, the balloon could go up.

If so, speculation is useless beyond one ineluctable reality: the US
will be, at a minimum, badly hurt and the world economy will be
shaken to pieces.

Needless to say, the results of Big Power war would be orders
of magnitude more catastrophic.

Very Serious People, men who make regular appearances on the
MSM-- the PR arm of the Deep State--and their owners who don’t,
are betting that nothing so insane as Great Power war could come
about as a result of this murder and they’re probably right.

It would take an interlocking set of wild errors of judgment
and calculation on the part of the powerful men who control
world order, such as it is, for a major cataclysm to be triggered.

That was the case in 1914, as Tuchman detailed in The Guns Of
August. Men of broad experience and vaunted acumen, in charge
of armies, fleets, and nations, slow marched in their egotism,
arrogance, and wilful rigidity, into the most devastating war in
history, mesmerized by their own folly.

A wag has said that history doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes.

Wisdom and sound judgment are not unattainable by men who
value them.

They forever elude the arrogant, the egoist, and the sociopath.

The men and women who now lead us are such people, enlisted by,
and devoted to, our Capitalist rulers, and their voracious quest for
dominion of the world and the acquisition of its wealth that is their
only purpose and goal.

People of this barren, soulless, biophobic creed are incapable
of rational, humane, and life-affirming decisions.

The impending dangers of rape economics, climate change, and
world war do not appear to these defectives as the horrifying,
immanent threats they are.

We are hostage to their inadequacy.

It is not impossible that the murder of Soleimani could result in
a disaster of greater magnitude than did that of the Archduke
Ferdinand, and that we may, in the days ahead, suffer our own
1914 and its dreadful aftermath.

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