The Geopolitics of World War III

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Murdering of Julian Assange

The Murdering of Julian Assange

By Peter Koenig
Dissident Voice
June 4, 2019

Julian Assange is being slowly murdered by “Her Majesty’s Prison
Service” at Belmarsh prison in the south-east of London.

The prison is notorious for holding people who have never been
charged with a crime indefinitely.

It is also called the British version of Guantanamo and typically
used to detain so-called terrorists, thus called by the British police
and secret service and aped by the British MSM and establishment.

Terrorists that become terrorists by continuous and repeated
accusations, by media propaganda, but not necessarily by fact.

Remember, if a lie is repeated often enough it becomes
the truth in the minds of the brain-dead listeners.

It’s indoctrination of the public to demonize somebody or a group
of people, or a country, who could become dangerous for the
empire’s vicious and criminal endeavors.

That’s what they are doing with Julian Assange.

Exactly the same principal is applied, though on a different scale,
against President Putin and against Russia and China.

And it seems to work in a brainwashed-to-the-core, western
society, ran by their spineless European US-vassalic leadership.

Yes, what is happening to Julian Assange could happen to any
journalist who reveals the inconvenient truth about the empire
and its minions’ criminal machinations, any journalist – or non-
journalist, whistleblower, for that matter – anyone who dares
standing up to the, "Anglo/Zionist" atrocities may end up in
Guantanamo or Belmarsh which is considered a Type A prison
for adult men meaning a, “serious” prison where, “dangerous”
detainees are held for as long as Her Majesty’s Prison Service
considers necessary, and prisoners’ treatments are held secret
and include torture.

Julian Assange’s case goes even farther than breaking all the
rules of “democratic” free speech.

The way he is treated is a serious infraction on Human Rights.

The US and British governments intend to silence and punish
a champion of free speech, torturing him for the world to see,
and especially as a deterrent for would-be whistleblowers and
other free-speech advocates.

Julian Assange has been condemned to a ‘temporary’ prison
sentence of 50 weeks for jumping bail, when he sought and
was granted refuge in 2012 in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

And why did he jump bail?

Because he was about to be extradited to neofascist Sweden
who acting in the name of Washington, accused him with phony
rape and sexual misconduct charges, from where he would have
most likely been extradited to the US where he might have faced
a kangaroo court and a fake trial with a possible death sentence
or indefinite incarceration at Guantanamo.

That’s why he jumped bail and why he escaped to the Ecuadorian
Embassy, because western injustice was already then played out
with false propaganda for everyone but the blind and indoctrinated
to see.

Rafael Correa, then President of Ecuador, saw the truth behind
it all and granted Julian asylum and later gave him Ecuadorian
citizenship – which in 2018 was revoked by Correa’s traitor and
fascist successor US-implant, Lenin Moreno, who as a reward, it
is said, got an IMF loan of US$ 4.2 billion to help the government
carry out its neoliberal economic reform program, meaning undoing
much of the social programs of improving economic equality for the
Ecuadorian population, implemented during the Correa presidency.

Well, how sick can that be?

Unfortunately, acting pathologically or even psychopathically
in today’s world is fully accepted.

It’s the new normal.

This means we are living in an almost-terminally ill, corrupt
and utterly brainwashed society – to be precise, western society.

“Almost-terminally” means that there is only dim hope of healing
for the utter lack of conscientiousness of western society.

Hope of western people’s awakening is fading, as it is sliding ever
deeper into a bottomless abyss.

Julian Assange was first accused by Washington of fake charges
of computer hacking and conspiring to defraud the United States.

In fact what this is all about is the 2010 publication by Wikileaks
of the infamous video that circulated the world a million times
depicting the purposeful, malicious, ‘collateral killing’ of harmless
civilians by the crew of a US Army helicopter – and of other data
of atrocious acts of the US military revealed by Chelsea Manning
and published by Wikileaks.

Chelsea Manning has been and is herself serving prison sentences.

Despite the fact that this little video has been seen around the
world probably by more than a billion people, nobody went on
the barricades – on an endless mass-demonstration – to stop the
rogue-state and killing machine United States of America from
committing its daily and deadly crimes.


And the killing goes on.

And Washington is doing its utmost to silence every future revealing
of their atrocities, by silencing Julian Assange and intimidating any
potential future truth-revealer.

They have now 50 weeks while he is hidden away in a British
Guantanamo-like prison, to slowly kill him on behalf of and as
a little favor to Washington, so he doesn’t have to be extradited
and the US is spared being exposed to the kangaroo trial that
Julian would otherwise receive.

If he dies a, “natural” death in a British prison, Trump may wash
his bloody hands in innocence and those in Congress who want to
send a CIA squadron to murder Assange – I kid you not they are not
ashamed to openly say so – will also be able to whitewash their
criminal and bloody minds.

Nobody will ever know what really happened behind Her
Majesty’s prison walls.

There will be some flareups in the media – and then all
quiets down.

As usual.

The Wikileaks founder will be gone and all potential whistleblowers
and truth-seeking journalists will be on their guard.

Objective achieved.

In the meantime and to reach that objective, Julian is most likely
being tortured, possibly physically and psychologically.

Julian Assange has suffered “prolonged exposure to psychological
torture” the UN’s torture expert, Nils Melzer, said in a BBC
interview, and urged Britain not to extradite Assange to

According to retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski he
may have been doped with psychotropic drugs, like 3-quinuclidinyl
benzilate, known as BZ that produces hallucinations, mental
confusion and memory loss.

This may have been the reason why he was unable to speak clearly,
and to participate in a Swedish Court hearing and had to be
transferred to the hospital wing of Her Majesty’s Belmarsh prison.

One of the few pictures that emerged at the time of his transfer
to the hospital was one of a zombie.

Let’s just hope that I‘m totally wrong with this scenario – and that
people’s pressure (at this point it would be a miracle) will pry
Julian loose from the lethal fangs of the empire and its minions.

The Western world keeps looking on.

Worse, they even support Her Majesty’s Prison Service,
to which Julian Assange is subjected.

They largely applauded the brutal British arrest of Julian Assange,
when the police dragged him out of the Ecuadorian Embassy into a
van and off to preventive custody and hours later he was convicted
to 50 weeks on a phony charge for jumping bail.

What can be said – is not better said than by Paul Craig Roberts, “If
the world stands for the US / UK / Swedish judicial murder of an
innocent man, the world does not deserve to exist another second.”


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