The Geopolitics of World War III

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Black Friday

American Wage Slaves Fight Over Chinese Slave Goods

By Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
November 28, 2012

How does it make you feel when you see people fight like animals
over something like a new iPhone5 or Samsung Galaxy mobile phone?

You can tell the health of the tree by the quality of its fruits.

America, as is evidenced by this week’s annual materialistic ritual
known as ‘Black Friday’, has produced this particularly rotten fruit,

It’s getting way too predictable for our liking.

The name “Black” joined with Friday, in itself, is worth looking at
in all its Satanic symbolism.

Why do they try to market this event as some sort of national holiday
and call it “Black”?

It’s important to point out first, that in America, shopping is not
just a basic human need, it’s a national sport, where people root
for brands like a football team and as you will see, it's a very
competitive sport.

On Black Friday, it moves up the ladder to become gladitorial.

It all started with the Cabbage Patch Doll uprisings back in the 1980′s.
It seemed like a fluke at the time. But the trend has raged on and on.

An epic battle for a load of cheap plastic made in China and Vietnam,
mostly by women and children on a dollar a day.

Quite simply, it’s a victory for worldly goods, over humanity, as
people worship brands like gods for sale.

The devil’s handiwork, no less.

In reality, Black Friday is nothing more than a collective con, a
nonevent, made to appear as an event.

American wage slaves who have witnessed such riots should know by
now that America’s once coveted status as the progressive world’s
cultural leader has come and gone.

More and more it’s looking like ‘American exceptionalism' could be
the stuff of 20th century history already.

Those who have taken part in the Black Friday ritual should also
know that their rulers are indeed laughing at them right now as
they watch their social engineering master plan come to fruition.

Segments of the population all but reduced to a shallow pulp of
mindless consumerism, currently in the process of eating itself.

The remaining, mentally challenged chattering classes, will
also watch these ugly scenes and then sit and argue whether
Black Friday riots are the result of an Obama or Romney victory.

As if this level of sub-intelligence is what killed American democracy,
another victory for the elite.

On a foreign policy note, if you are Arab and you are now watching
these scenes, you might want to ask yourself, if this is what Barack
Obama and Hillary Clinton were talking about when they waxed lyrical
during your Arab Spring (that wasn’t) about the virtues of exporting
”American values of freedom and democracy?"

Imagine when the dollar collapses how ugly would that look.

Empty supermarket shelves. How would Americans treat each
other then?

It’s become a pathetic tradition, in what is way past the point
of national embarrassment, but it’s not instead, they promote

1 comment:

  1. "Collective con" is a good way to describe it.

    Though the idea of it being "Black" comes from the accounting term of getting out of the red in your debts and into the black, not so much the satanist mindset. Though I think there's a clear connection in the idea of it having become a false religion unto itself.

    It truly bothers me how much people today are willing to bow down to such empty selfishness for desires for something that will be in the dump in six months.


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