The Geopolitics of World War III

Monday, October 29, 2012

On Us vs. Them

On Us vs. Them

By Eric Peters
October 29, 2012

The movie, The Matrix, explains a great deal.

Most people are brought up from birth within the system
“the matrix” and psychologically and socially and culturally
conditioned to accept it as their world and more, the world
as it is supposed to be.

What separates people like those here from everyone else?

Somehow, for whatever reason, we questioned and we saw
a flaw in the pattern (the green screen with zeros and ones,
if you like, as in the movie).

Something clicked and we knew. The curtain fell away.

We began to realize how thoroughly we’d been lied to about
almost everything and saw the fundamental violence of the

The lie behind the facade of “democracy” and “consent of
the governed.”

Once you see, you cannot unsee.

The pattern becomes obvious, transparant and all of sudden,
things make sense.

A bleak sort of sense, to be sure, but for the first time, you truly

But the downside is you are now an outlier, more or less alienated
from the society in which you live.

Other people are like zombies – because in a way they are.

Just as in the movie. As in real life.

I have noticed two qualities that separate the people like us
here from the Clovers out there.

First, the habit of conceptual thought and of reasoning from
and accepting the necessary consequences of principles.

Thus, we understand why it is so profoundly dangerous to
countenance such things as “safety” checkpoints in order
to (ostensibly) “get dangerous drunks” off the road.

Because it follows that if the state arrogates unto itself the
power to detain (that is, to arrest) people and search and
interrogate them (no matter how cursorily) for no specific
reason, without actual probable cause, then a principle has
been accepted, ceded and much more and worse will inevitably

Clovers cannot grasp this. They only see “safety” and “getting dangerous drunks off the road.”

The same point can be applied almost universally. For instance, “taxes.”

A Clover will turn up his nose at a person who stuffs a Snickers
bar in his pants at a 7-11 and walks out the door with it.

He sees this as theft, which it is.

But he does not see that it is also theft when he (and others like
him) band together at the ballot box and vote to take much more
than merely someone else’s Snicker’s bar.

The Clover mind is unable to make the conceptual connection.

Theft is somehow transformed into not-theft when it is done
under the auspices of the state.

Second, Clovers have an under-developed (or crippled) sense
of empathy.

Though superficially, they often posture as the caring benefactors
of their fellow men, in truth they have more in common with
sociopaths who, like them, view other people as cardboard cutouts
to be manipulated and controlled.

The proof that they do in fact think this way is revealed by the fact
that they will not or cannot confront the violence that is always at
the end of their professed benefactions.

The gun pointed at someone else’s head. The rough men in
costumes who will come.

Even the most petty-seeming failure to Submit and Obey will
inevitably result in violence – possibly, lethal violence – being

What sort of human being countenances that?

A human being who has lost or never developed the capacity
for empathy.

True empathy. Not the faux empathy of “helping” by controlling
and threatening.

An empathetic man sees a fellow human being having difficulty
and offers to help himself.

A Clover points a gun at someone else (or has men in costumes
do it on his behalf) and forces that someone else to “help” in
the manner the Clover deems appropriate.

In this way, the Clover satisfies his urge to control and direct to
apply force and do to so under the guise of the humanitarian,
even as his victims feel the boot on their throat, hear the handcuffs
being locked.

They are asleep or evil. There is no middle ground.

Empathetic humans see others suffering and feel terrible about it,
but they feel even more terrible about the idea of official, state-
sanctioned predation violence codified and legitimized.

The utter perversion of the concept of “help” which flows from
the barrel of a gun. The utter perversion of humanity thereby.

The warping of natural instinct – of goodwill – into something
corrosive and yes, evil.

Because what else can be said of people who pit man against man,
group against group?

It is either – or.

Either you take the position that no person has the right to use
violence against another except in self-defense and all that follows
from that principle.

Or, you take the position that it is acceptable to use violence
against other people for reasons you deem appropriate.

The trouble with that, of course, is that your fellow Clovers will
have their own ideas as to what constitutes “appropriate” reasons
for restraining and controlling other people you included with
violence or its threat.

And the result of that is what we have a hell on earth in which
mutual parasatism is the essence of our politics.

In which no one is secure, either in their persons or their effects
let alone their property because all these things are subject to
“the will of the majority” as expressed by the vote of Clovers,
the representatives of Clovers or the duly constituted agencies
and bureaucracies of Clovers.

That is our Matrix.

A few can see it. Most cannot.

But some can be awakened and that is where our efforts should
be concentrated.

Because if enough of them can be awakened, the Matrix will lose
its power and then it will lose its control.

And that day, when it finally arrives, will be the day of humanity’s

It’s a goal worth working for – even if none of us now alive will live
to see it.

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