The Geopolitics of World War III

Friday, June 7, 2019

A Poem For Julian Assange

A Poem For Julian Assange

By Neil Clark
Sputnik International
Friday, June 7, 2019

They dragged him from the Embassy, the plainclothes men
from the Met,

We talk of Britain's 'independence' from Europe, but what
about from the rest?

The captive looked like Ben Gunn, old, bearded and grey,

Sneered at and laughed at by those in the pay,

Those who support Empire told us 'Julian's a cad',

But where is the proof of him doing anything bad?

Accusations are levelled but charges not brought,

Fair-minded people see that extradition must be fought,

Britain tells Sweden: 'Don't you dare get cold feet!'

Assange is a 'traitor' and must be beat!,

But a 'traitor' to whom? is what we all must ask.

Exposing the crimes of illegal war,

Cannot be illegal, that's for sure,

Julian's great crime was to pull back the curtain,

That we were led by liars and knaves, Wikileaks proved for certain,

Now it's time for the elite's revenge,

That revenge will be awful, but only if we allow it,

So don't be cowed by unsubstantiated charges,

Instead, put on your hat and go out for marches.

By exposing wrongdoing, Assange did us all a favour,

So his persecution for publishing the truth is something
we cannot savour,

The wars we paid for, did not protect us,

On the contrary, they actually betrayed us,

They made us less safe and brought terrorism home,

It's those who launched them who should be on trial,

Not Julian, the man who showed us the file,

Until that happens, everything else is a joke,

A confidence trick like a pig in a poke,

Julian is not a journalist, the stenographers decree,

The very same experts who said Iraq had WMD,

One million died because of that obscene, unlawful endeavour,

How many has Julian killed, and I'm not trying to be clever,

No one is saying that the man is a saint,

No man is, in fact, the notion is rather quaint,

And if he was a sexual offender, then, of course, one would
utterly condemn,

But look at the CPS emails to Sweden and consider the gen,

Let's be honest: If Julian was a Russian who'd been treated
like this,

There'd be moral indignation and calls for air strikes
by those now taking the piss,

Laughing at the predicament of a man on the rocks,

His mental health no concern to these absolute cocks,

As for Moreno, he's really no Lenin,

And Jeremy Hunt rhymes with '….', but I won't put my pen in,

Theresa May said that what's happened proves no one is above
the law,

But until Bush, Blair and the rest are at the Hague, that really
sticks in the craw,

International justice is a charade if the guilty always go free,

And the innocent are captured and the propagandists full of glee,

Hence what happens to Assange is of tremendous import,

If he goes the way of Tobermory, Saki's cat who revealed all,

What does it say about us, and our failure to make the right call?

So say a prayer for Julian tonight and wish the lad well,

This one is for all of us, to help us break the spell.

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