The Geopolitics of World War III

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nowhere To Run

Nowhere To Run

By Chris Sullivan
June 4, 2014

The Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850 to deal with the problem
of runaway slaves and the weakening of a 1793 law with the same

All people want to keep the fruits of their labor and when this
desire is violated they seek some remedy, whether it be a change
in the law or a change in location.

If a slave could make it to Canada he was probably safe from the
slave catchers.

Some northern states had laws against black people – slave or free
– moving into the state, so Canada was probably the best option.

If a slave could escape to a free area he could keep all his earnings
since there was no income tax at the time.

Today the state of affairs is a little different. If an American citizen
wants to keep all his income there is no place to escape to.

If such a person moves to Switzerland, Uganda, Haiti or Antarctica
the IRS wants its “share” of his income.

It doesn’t matter that the person no longer lives in the US or makes
any money in the US, just by virtue of citizenship, Uncle Sam wants
his share.

If the plantation owner of yesteryear could somehow reap the
benefits of the runaway slave’s labor no matter where he was,
he would have had no incentive to capture him and bring him

What difference would it make where he was if the “owner”
still had an irrevocable claim against his productivity?

The slave had an advantage over the modern counterpart if
he could escape the country.

In feudal times there were serfs known as serfs “regardant”
and serfs “in gross.”

A serf regardant was only a serf in regards to one Lord, otherwise
he was free.

A serf in gross was a serf always and everywhere no matter who he
worked for.

Americans are now what could be described as serfs in gross.

No matter where they live or work, the federal vampire demands
its gallon of blood even though the victim is using none of its

Every time a national holiday of some sort comes around, be it
Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day or some other, we
hear the usual script about how Americans are free and that we
owe a huge debt to founders, veterans or somebody for all the
freedom we enjoy.

This presents an odd definition of freedom. What exactly does it
mean to be free?

Is it possible to be free when someone has an irrevocable, unlimited
claim on everything you earn?

Some will object that the income tax is not unlimited, it’s “only”
thirty-nine percent or whatever it happens to be, but this can be
changed at any time for any reason.

Serfs generally owed about twenty percent to the Lord – were they

Americans are so indoctrinated in the slave mentality that they will
refer to someone who wants to keep the fruits of his labor as a “tax

Our Founding Fathers probably would not even have understood
such a term. Weren’t all of them aspiring tax cheats?

During every election politicians prattle on about reducing taxes,
closing loopholes, tax reform or some other bromide to hoodwink
the greatest number of voters.

Almost none ever talk about abolishing the income tax and
abolishing the IRS.

The government loves an income tax because it allows it to pry
into the financial affairs of all its citizens and it gives it a sword
of Damocles to hold over any person or group that might have the
wrong opinions.

Many people like the income tax because they envy those more
successful than themselves and like to see them punished.

Marx and Engels undoubtedly realized this when they made “A
heavy progressive or graduated income tax” the second plank
of the Communist Manifesto.

Anything short of abolition is adjusting the fit of the chains on
the slaves.

Not only does the government tax income of those living outside
the country, it prohibits those who “owe” back taxes from leaving
the plantation country.

Nobody is free who has a master that has first claim against all his

Proverbs XXII:7 says that the borrower is slave to the lender, but in
the land of the free, even those who haven’t borrowed are slaves
by virtue of citizenship, and there’s nowhere to run.

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